About TrackTask:

TrackTask was created out of necessity by a single student in need of an academic planner. Rather than purchase one from a store, however, this developer was inspired to build their own website on which they could track and manage their tasks. The web app you see here is the culmination of more than a year's work towards the ultimate task management platform.

Users? They can create tasks with relevant information, and keep track of their completion & priority.
Tasks? They can be grouped in collections, which can be shared with and collaborated on by other users.
The website? In its final form, it allows individuals and teams to get work done in an organized way.

This, is TrackTask.

Created by TurtleCode84, it is actively developed with help from the other members of the TrackTask team. But what exactly did this work produce? We can do our best to show you, but the best way to understand how TrackTask can help manage your endeavors is to make an account and try it for youself!

What's inside?



This project was made possible by the following people, groups, and projects...

  • vvo's iron-session (for the site's structure & session framework)
  • Vercel for build and deployment
  • Next.js for an easy-to-use API & static rendering framework
  • All contributors to the TrackTask codebase!

And of course, we can't have credits without mentioning the amazing people who have helped build and run TrackTask...

Found a bug or have feedback?

Head over to our GitHub repository, we'd love to hear how we can make TrackTask better!

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